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basic price:
$250/hour (minimum of 3 hours)
second photographer:
$50/hour (minimum of 3 hours)
$250/hour (minimum of 3 hours)
second photographer:
$50/hour (minimum of 3 hours)
engagement photography:
(includes a proof book and $100 of reprints)
separate - $700
w/ wedding - $300
(includes a proof book and $100 of reprints)
separate - $700
w/ wedding - $300
additional services:
please call
please call
additional information:
- all packages include a DVD of up to 450 high resolution images.
- prices do not include CA sales tax
- credit cards are accepted through Paypal. click here for information.
- all packages include a DVD of up to 450 high resolution images.
- prices do not include CA sales tax
- credit cards are accepted through Paypal. click here for information.

please note: For the following descriptions, pages are considered to have 2 sides.
prices do not include CA sales tax
flush mounted
9x12 bride & groom - 14 pages - $900, $50 per addl. page
6x8 parent's - 14 pages - $600, $40 per addl. page
9x12 bride & groom - 14 pages - $900, $50 per addl. page
6x8 parent's - 14 pages - $600, $40 per addl. page
- Each side can be single image or a composite.
- Parent's and b&g album can be identical or different.
- Panoramas are available at no extra cost.
- Albums can have a maximum of 25 pages (50 sides).
12x12 bride & groom - 20 pages - $500, $35 per addl. page
8x8 parent's - 20 pages - $300, $30 per addl. page
12x12 bride & groom - 20 pages - $500, $35 per addl. page
8x8 parent's - 20 pages - $300, $30 per addl. page
- Each side can be single image or a composite.
- Parent's and b&g album wiill be identical in design.
- Panoramas are available at no extra cost.
- Albums can have a maximum of 50 pages (100 sides).
please click here to return to photography pricing

personal work:

Paying with a credit card through Paypal:
- set up a Paypal account, which is free and link your credit card to it as the source of funds/payment.
- once you have this set up, click Send Money. send the money to contact@wtweddings.com and enter the amount
including sales tax.
- make sure you select your credit card as the source of payment, otherwise, if you have your bank account linked to
Paypal by default, it will try to withdrawal funds from that first.
- please contact Paypal if you need assistance with this.
click here to go to
- set up a Paypal account, which is free and link your credit card to it as the source of funds/payment.
- once you have this set up, click Send Money. send the money to contact@wtweddings.com and enter the amount
including sales tax.
- make sure you select your credit card as the source of payment, otherwise, if you have your bank account linked to
Paypal by default, it will try to withdrawal funds from that first.
- please contact Paypal if you need assistance with this.
click here to go to

please click here to return to photography pricing